What videos tell us about the Charlie Hebdo shooters /HD/720p

تم ن
تم نشره
تم نشره في 13‏/01‏/2015
Tom Foreman breaks down the three known videos of the attack on Charlie
Hebdo's offices and what it tells us about the shooters.
في 13‏/01‏/2015
Tom Foreman breaks down the three known videos of the attack on Charlie
Hebdo's offices and what it tells us about the shooters.
شره في
تم نشره في 13‏/01‏/2015
Tom Foreman breaks down the three known videos of the attack on Charlie
Hebdo's offices and what it tells us about the shooters.
Tom Foreman breaks down the three known videos of the attack on Charlie
Hebdo's offices and what it tells us about the shooters.